Why Should You Opt for Specs Removal Treatment?

January 7, 2025

Well the real question is why not? Having to constantly wear eyeglasses and contact lenses is a big inconvenience. Eyeglasses get fogged up, break easily, and are often misplaced. Contact lenses, despite being less noticeable can cause dry eyes, infections and require constant maintenance. Imagine waking up and seeing the world clearly without having to reach out for eyeglasses. Tempting, isn’t it?  It's high time you opt for a permanent solution to improve your vision. 

Wanting freedom from eyeglasses is much more than a mere cosmetic reason. It offers convenience and improves the quality of life. Laser eye surgery is a great option for people who want permanent specs removal. From surgical options, to specs removal benefits, this blog covers it all. Dive in!

5 Reasons Why Specs Removal Surgery Is Worth It

Advantages of permanent specs removal are many! However, here are the top 5 reasons to opt for specs removal surgery:

  • Improved vision: Laser eye surgeries provide 20/20 sharp vision with zero dependency on specs. This in turn improves the quality of your life and opens up the possibilities of countless sports, jobs and other activities that were a challenge before.
  • Safety: Laser eye surgeries have a good track record and 90% of the patients have experienced no complications or side effects post surgery. The technology used is advanced,  precise and minimally invasive making it an ideal choice for people who want to experience improved vision.
  • Quick & painless: Most laser eye surgeries get completed within 10 minutes! Moreover, there are a bunch of eyeglass removal options that use no blade, no cuts, and no injections, making the entire experience completely painless.
  • Quick recovery: The best part of laser eye surgery is that there is no hospitalization needed post surgery. The recovery time is generally 2-4 hours and you can resume most activities within 24 hours with certain precautions. Full recovery and sharp vision is achieved in about 2-4 weeks.
  • Freedom from corrective eyewear: Laser eye surgeries provide permanent freedom from corrective eyewear such as specs and contact lenses. This ensures a hassle-free life, confidence boost and a new level of visual clarity and precision. 

Conditions Treated By Specs Removal Surgeries

Refractive errors cause problems like unclear, blurry vision at different distances, headaches as well as eye strain. This mostly happens because of the natural shape of the eyes that keeps light from focusing correctly on the retina - which is the light sensitive part of the eyes.

Keep calm! Specs removal surgery can treat all refractive errors namely:

  • Nearsightedness or Myopia: 

People with nearsightedness face difficulty in viewing distant objects, but can clearly view objects that are close to them. Nearsightedness causes difficulty in activities like driving and makes night vision very poor. Nearsightedness occurs due to the lengthening of the eye from front to back. In certain other cases, it also happens because of the  cornea being too curved. Most people develop nearsightedness as  kids.

  • Farsightedness or Hyperopia: 

This refractive error is the opposite of myopia and creates difficulty in viewing objects that are up close. However, distant objects can still be viewed clearly. Farsightedness happens due to the eye growing too short from front to back. Another reason behind farsightedness is when the cornea becomes too flat. People who have farsightedness are generally born with it.

  • Age-related farsightedness or Presbyopia:

As the name suggests, presbyopia happens with age and is usually the reason why people require reading glasses as they grow old. It happens when the eye lens loses its flexibility and can not focus on objects clearly. This condition generally occurs  in people who are 40 or above.

  • Astigmatism:

This refractive error causes objects at any distance to appear blurry. This happens to people who have extremely round eyes - shaped like a football. An extreme round shape of the eye makes the light entering the eyes bend more than it normally should. Some people are born with astigmatism while others may develop it much later.

Treatments For Permanent Specs Removal

Now that you have gone through the benefits of laser specs removal, let’s walk you through the various procedures that you can choose from to get rid of specs permanently.

  • Contoura Vision

This is an advanced Lasik specs removal treatment that not only corrects the specs power but also corrects corneal irregularities to provide sharp vision. This procedure is completely painless, uses no blade, no stitches, or no injections. Contoura vision takes only 10 minutes to correct all kinds of refractive errors.

  • Smile Pro

If you are looking for a no-flap, no blade, no pain procedure, smile pro eye surgery is the best choice for you. This procedure is minimally invasive and corrects vision in just 9 seconds. Conditions like myopia and astigmatism can be treated with Smile Pro surgery.

  • Lasik

Traditional Lasik is a very popular vision correction surgery and uses a laser to create a flap on the surface of the cornea. Another laser is then used to reshape other parts of the cornea underneath the flap. The flap is then laid back and allowed to heal. This procedure usually takes 15-20 minutes per eye to treat all refractive errors.

  • PRK

Photorefractive Keratectomy or PRK is a flapless procedure that removes the outer layer of the cornea to reshape it. The recovery time for PRK is slightly longer but this is the best and at times the only option for people with thin corneas.

  • ICL

Implantable Collamer Lens fixes refractive errors by placing an artificial lens in front of the natural lens, without tampering with the shape of the cornea. ICL is an ideal choice for people with a very high specs power or thin corneas. 

  • RLE

Refractive Lens Exchange is another surgical procedure that corrects your vision by replacing the natural eye lens with an intraocular lens. This procedure is ideal for people who are above 50 and are suffering from high-level myopia, hyperopia or presbyopia.

Eligibility For Specs Removal Surgery

Before going for any eyeglass removal surgery, it is important to know your eligibility. An eligible candidate for specs removal surgery :

  • Should be 18 years of age and above
  • Should have a stable specs power for at least a year
  • Should have an overall good eye health
  • Should not be under any hard medications or steroids

Final Thoughts

Choosing to go specs free permanently requires careful consideration. The thought of never needing eyeglasses or contact lenses is definitely tempting but knowing the best options as per your unique needs is equally important. If you are exploring a good eye hospital in punjab,  be assured as the region offers world-class specialists, advanced technology, and trusted hospitals. 

No more lost or broken eyeglasses! Treat your eyes with HD vision, consult your Ophthalmologists today to explore the best specs removal surgery options.