Our body’s way of responding is when something irritates our airways or irritates our throat, that response of our body is called cough. An irritant affects our nerves and sends a message to our brain. The brain then tells the muscles in our chest and abdomen to push the air out of our lungs to force the irritant out.
The occasional cough is normal and healthy. Yes, you heard it right; the cough we get occasionally is healthy and beneficial for our bodies. However, if the cough stays for more than several weeks or if it brings up blood from your mouth, then it may indicate a serious condition that needs medical attention.
A cough can be acute or chronic depending on the number of weeks it lasts. An acute cough is a cough that lasts less than three weeks. On the other hand, a chronic cough lasts longer than eight weeks.
There are several causes for cough but the most common of them are:
- Influenza
- Pneumonia
- Common cold
- Asthma
The cold is an illness, which affects your nose and throat. Most of the time, it's not very harmful but it can be dangerous in a few exceptions. Germs cause viruses to become a reason for the common cold. Adults may get cold twice or thrice a year, but infants and young children may catch cold more often than this.
Most people getting a normal common cold may feel better in a few days, maximum in a week or 10 days. But in people who smoke, symptoms might stay for a long time. Cold is something that doesn’t need medical care usually but in case if it doesn’t get well in a few days or gets worse with each passing day, then you do need to see the doctor.
After someone is exposed to a cold, the symptoms of a common cold start appearing in 1 to 3 days. Also, these symptoms can vary from person to person, depending upon the cause. The symptoms of a common cold are:
- Stuffy and running nose
- Scratchy and sore throat
- Sneezing
- Cough
- A mild headache or slight body aches
- Low-grade fever
- Feeling unwell
If you are suffering from a cough and cold and it is getting worse day by day, then do visit Sohana Hospital in Mohali. With the most knowledgeable doctors who give the right diagnosis, it is one of the best hospitals for high-quality treatment.