Giving birth is one of the most intense, painful and special experiences a woman ever goes through during her lifetime, whether it's an epidural or without an epidural.
The process of epidural delivery involves administering regional anesthesia medication directly into the epidural space in the mother’s lower spine. The area that surrounds the spine and is filled with fluid is known as Epidural space. The pathway of the nerve that carries sensation and pain from the brain to the lower body runs through the spine area. So, when the regional analgesic medication is injected directly into the epidural space, it blocks the pain signals from entering the lower body through these nerve pathways.
The whole procedure makes epidural delivery a highly effective method of numbing the lower body of the mother during labour. This numbing will decrease the pain to a large extent during labour and delivery.
There are two types of Epidural setups which are:
In a regular epidural, a larger drip is inserted directly into the epidural space in the lower spinal area and then fixed in place. The needle is then attached with a small catheter to connect to a drip or pump.
A combined spinal epidural is also known as CSE and is a type of epidural that delivers a more painless experience than a regular epidural.
1.The ultimate aim of any delivery is a safe neonatal outcome. If we talk about pain management’s various modes, then epidural analgesia is proven to be a very safe mode of analgesia both for mother and newborn.
2.There are no significant effects on the baby through epidural. The medication reaching the baby is of a minimal amount, which is much less than the pain medicine given to the mother through an IV or general anesthesia.
Epidural is safe for newborn babies and mothers because only the mother's lower body part gets numb in epidural while the rest of the body parts remain awake.
Sohana Hospital is one of the best hospitals when it comes to epidurals because it not only offers you the best epidural procedure but also guides you throughout. From the day you decide to have an Epidural until the birth of the newborn, we ensure your baby and you- both are safe.