What are food intolerances? Tips to identifying your triggers

October 24, 2024

Food intolerance is a condition affecting the person’s digestive system and making him or her intolerant to certain food items. People who suffer from food intolerance find it difficult to break down these foods because of increased sensitivity to the same. Although the condition may not prove fatal, it may cause inconvenience to the patient who suffers from it. People with this condition may have bloating & diarrhoea and must see the best doctor near me immediately upon noticing the symptoms. 


Understanding food intolerance 

Sometimes, the food intolerance symptoms may appear very late, maybe 2 days later, and may last for a few days. 

Any person who has food intolerance must avoid the food item against which their body is intolerant. The immune system’s reaction to food items is food allergy but problems with the digestive system signify food intolerance. This is a key difference between these two types of food sensitivity and one can identify them through the symptoms. 


Symptoms of food intolerance 

Any patient who has food intolerance will experience a few symptoms after consuming the potential allergen or food item. These symptoms of food intolerance may vary for every person but discomfort is sure to happen to the patient. 

  1. Bloating and stomach pain 
  2. Headache and migraine 
  3. Excess gas 
  4. Malaise 
  5. Diarrhoea 
  6. Runny nose 


The amount of food that a person intakes, to which they are intolerant, helps govern the severity of the symptoms. Because of the similarity in symptoms, it is difficult to differentiate between food intolerance and allergy until a doctor evaluates the condition thoroughly. 


Types of food intolerance 

There are a few types of food intolerance that people experience and avoiding its consumption is necessary for them. 

  1. Histamine is a naturally occurring chemical in food items like cheese, chocolates, and pineapple. People with histamine intolerance lack diamine oxidase enzyme that breaks histamine in the body. 
  2. The lactase enzyme breaks down the lactose (a type of sugar in dairy products) in the body. People with lactose intolerance have deficient lactase and just avoid dairy products. 
  3. Gluten protein is common in food items like rye, wheat and barley. People with gluten sensitivity find it difficult to digest the gluten present in these foods. 


Identifying food intolerance

Identifying the food items that trigger food intolerance and avoiding them will help in leading a better life with no discomfort. 

  1. A gastroenterologist in Mohali will ask to maintain a food diary that serves as a record of the food items and drinks consumed. When symptoms appear, it becomes easy to look back in the diary for the food items that caused discomfort. 
  2. Mostly, people opt for an elimination diet that helps identify the triggers with the improvement in symptoms upon avoiding the trigger food. With that, it is easy to completely avoid any problem by not eating the food item causing the problem.
  3. Inclusion of the habit of reading food labels to check for the trigger foods causing intolerance. These food items are usually common and may be dairy, peanuts, gluten, soy, and wheat. 


Diagnosing food intolerance

Patients with food intolerance must seek advice from their doctor regarding the tests that help detect food intolerance. A few blood tests and skin prick tests are two of the most helpful tests to confirm the same. 

Additionally, an endoscopy in Mohali may also help the doctor find out the digestive tract problems. The doctor will use a scope to get a clear view of the inside structures of the digestive system and confirm problems due to food intolerance. 


Managing food intolerance

Food sensitivities are not easy to manage but a deeper understanding of the same can help patients with food intolerance choose the right food items. 

  1. Reducing the intake of or totally avoiding the consumption of the food items that trigger food intolerance. 
  2. Choosing digestive aids that help alleviate the symptoms of food intolerance. These supplements may include lactase or digestive enzymes that break down the components for easy digestion. 
  3. Patients with food intolerance may look for suitable substitutes like dairy-free alternatives or gluten-free bread to eat. 
  4. One of the promising ways to manage food intolerance is to cook a meal at home that is free from trigger foods. They may experiment with new recipes that turn into delicious meals without the use of trigger food items. 
  5. Seeing the doctor upon experiencing the symptoms of food sensitivity and getting them diagnosed for proper management. 


Sohana Hospital is the best hospital in Mohali which has endoscopic ultrasound and high-definition endoscopy for accurate diagnosis of the problems with the digestive system. We have the best gastroenterologist to correctly diagnose the problems in the digestive tract for prompt treatment. With a medical lab open around the clock, we have top-notch facilities available at the hospital. Our team makes every effort to ensure a smooth treatment for you till recovery.