Diabetes is a medical condition that is not easy to manage and comes with a set of responsibilities regarding diet and medications. While your diabetes doctor near me might prescribe some medicines for your diabetes, it's you who needs to take them on time for controlled sugar levels.
You may need to follow a healthy and balanced diet and include physical activity in your daily routine to maintain the levels. Further, your doctor might ask you to get adequate sleep and manage any stress you may have for your well-being. With that, there are a range of treatment options available to treat diabetes and you must know them.
Type of diabetes
Before you look for diabetes treatment near me, you must know the type of diabetes you are suffering. People with Type 1 diabetes need to take insulin multiple times during the day to keep their blood sugar levels in control.
Contrary to this, people with Type 2 diabetes can rely on lifestyle and dietary changes to manage their sugar levels. They may need to maintain an optimal weight and perform good exercise.
Patients of gestational diabetes stick to a healthy meal plan and moderate physical activity to manage their diabetes. When the condition is not manageable with these two options, the doctor may suggest taking insulin for the same.
Treatment options for diabetes
You may consult a diabetologist in Mohali to know the possible treatment options to manage your diabetes. He or she will evaluate your condition and determine the best type of treatment that can help manage your sugar levels.
There are varying types of insulin available in the market that work at varying speeds and have varying effects. Every type of insulin has its strongest effect when it reaches its peak after a certain duration.
A diabetologist in Chandigarh might suggest you one of the following insulting types according to your type of diabetes. The different insulin types are ultra-rapid-acting, rapid-acting, short-acting, intermediate-acting, long-acting, and ultra-long-acting.
The onset of all these types falls in the range of 15 minutes to 6 hours with a peak ranging between “no peak” to up to “12 hours” peak. These insulin types may last anywhere between 2 hours to as long as 36 hours, depending upon their onset and action.
There are different ways for you to take insulin which may be a needle & syringe, an insulin pen, an insulin pump, an inhaler, and a jet injector.
Oral medicines
If you are suffering from Type 2 diabetes, you may need to take oral medicines from the best doctor for diabetes treatment. Oral medicines for diabetes are those medications that you take by mouth and prescribed by your diabetologist.
A majority of diabetic patients need to take metformin which comes in a liquid form or in the form of pills. The medication helps in the lesser formation of glucose from the liver and aids your body in effectively using insulin. The medication also helps obese or overweight diabetic patients lose their weight, although very minimal.
Lifestyle changes
The doctor at the best hospital in Mohali will suggest some lifestyle changes that you might need to make to better manage your diabetes. While these lifestyle changes may solely help reverse your diabetic symptoms, many patients may need to do them along with their medications.
The doctor will ask you to take adequate sleep ranging from 7 hours to 9 hours for adults for better health. Further, the doctor might advise you to perform physical activity like a brisk walk or climbing the stairs. This will help in keeping the sugar levels in control and ensure you lose weight at the same time.
Dietary habits
A diabetes doctor near me will ask you to change your dietary habits to a certain extent to manage your diabetes. These habits will ensure you follow a decided meal plan and monitor your sugar levels regularly for any improvement.
Your doctor will ask you to limit the intake of certain food items and beverages that may result in a spike in sugar levels. If there are any food items that shoot your sugar levels, the doctor will ask you to completely avoid them. Further, he or she might prepare a diet plan that you must follow religiously to maintain diabetes.
People who smoke must quit the habit immediately as it might compromise their overall immunity. If you take alcohol, your diabetologist in Mohali will also ask you to avoid its consumption to prevent you from the risk of suffering from complications.
Diabetes treatment in Mohali
Sohana Hospital has the best team of diabetologists and dieticians who work together to prepare the right diet plan for your diabetes. Our diabetologists have extensive experience in managing the different types of diabetes and recommend apt medications to control your sugar levels.