Simple Lifestyle Changes that could make a Big Difference to your Heart Health

November 20, 2024

Sound health is essential for every human being and not everyone can have control over their health. However, one may make some changes to their lifestyle that can help them overcome major ailments, especially those related to the heart. While heart problems are one of the most common ones, a doctor for cardiology near me can help reduce the symptoms with some lifestyle changes. 

Lifestyle changes not only help in managing the symptoms but also treat the underlying cause of a heart ailment. These changes have a role in treating and/or reversing chronic conditions one may be having. This is mainly because a majority of health issues happen due to a sedentary lifestyle. Let's discuss some of the changes that one can make in their daily routine to have sound health. 


Nutritious diet 

A balanced and nutritious diet can help manage heart disease symptoms as it gives the energy to fight diseases. The type of food has an effect on the various risk factors that one can control with a healthy diet. Whether it is hypertension, diabetes, or high cholesterol levels, food can help manage these conditions better. 

Eating food items rich in nutrients like vitamins and minerals can benefit a lot in maintaining good health. Further, one must include fresh vegetables and fruits in their diet with restricted intake of added sugars and saturated fats. This aids in maintaining a healthy weight and having a diet in accordance with daily physical activity. 


Active lifestyle 

Something commonly seen in patients visiting a cardiology hospital near me is a sedentary lifestyle with poor habits. This is one of the biggest reasons for obesity that may consequently affect heart health. People with poor habits like sitting more and moving less often face many health problems. 

One must try to remain physically active to stay fit in the long run and avoid any potential risks to the heart. An active lifestyle can have a positive impact on blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Further, it helps maintain an optimal weight and normal Body Mass Index that ensures overall well-being. 


Adequate sleep

Sleep is an important factor that determines the health of an individual and ultimately, his or her heart health. It is essential to get enough sleep to avoid any kind of health risks and subsequently a visit to the cardiologist in ChandigarhSleep determines the memory, eating habits, functioning of various organs and the mood of a person. 

While inadequate sleep is harmful for the body, excess sleep may also have related potential health risks. It is good for adults to sleep for around 7 to 8 hours a day on average for a quality life. Remaining physically active can further help enhance sleep quality and ensure a timely bedtime routine. 


Avoid alcohol 

A patient visiting a heart specialist hospital in Mohali will get the first advice to avoid alcohol for good health. Alcohol intake can cause cardiomyopathy, cancer, increased blood pressure levels, stroke and other conditions. High triglyceride levels due to alcohol consumption are the biggest reason for irregular heartbeats. 

Patients who do not consume alcohol are on the better side already but they must not start with the same. Further, those who consume alcohol must limit their intake for good health and no risks to heart health. 


Quit smoking 

Patients with heart problems must quit smoking immediately to ensure optimal functioning of their heart. A cardiologist in Mohali will always ask patients with smoking habits to quit smoking before suggesting any treatment plan. Also, heart patients who have chain smokers around them at home must encourage the concerned person to quit smoking as it may harm everyone’s health. 

Smokers find it difficult to recover from heart conditions or manage the symptoms of heart problems. This is because smoking hinders the process of healing and may instead aid in more heart problems. 


Maintain a healthy weight 

One of the easiest ways to stay away from heart problems and a visit to a cardiologist near me is to maintain weight. A healthy weight cuts down health problems to half and ensures the proper functioning of the body’s systems. 

A diet that is rich in calories and added sugars with a routine of lesser physical activity increases the chances of obesity. This may raise the risk of suffering from heart conditions or a heart attack. However, a healthy weight improves cholesterol and BP levels and avoids any risk to heart health. 

If you are looking for a cardiology hospital near me, Sohana Hospital is the best with top-class healthcare facilities. We have the best team of cardiologists and dieticians who ensure good health for patients. Our specialists work in coordination to plan a correct diet for alleviating the symptoms you may be experiencing.