Nephrectomy involves the removal of the kidney by a urologic surgeon to remove the cancerous tumour. Nephrectomy is of two types- radical and partial involving entire and partial kidney removal respectively.
A surgeon will give a single cut in the stomach to perform an open nephrectomy for kidney cancer treatment. However, in laparoscopic nephrectomy, the surgeon will make several cuts to open the stomach area. The surgeon may also use the robotic surgical system for laparoscopic surgery. It utilizes robotic arms controlled by the surgeon with the help of a console to remove the kidney precisely.
Before the surgery
The doctors usually ask the patients to stop taking any medications a few days before undergoing the kidney removal surgery. Patients on blood thinners must stop their medication at least 5 days before the surgery to avoid complications. Also, the patient must inform the doctor if they are on any supplements or anti-inflammatory medicines.
The doctor will ask smokers to quit smoking and alcoholics to stop their alcohol intake completely. This helps prevent any risks during the surgery and allows the body to heal properly after the kidney cancer surgery.
One must do overnight fasting for a minimum of 10 hours before undergoing the surgery for better anaesthetic action. Further, this will save the patient from suffering any symptoms of nausea or vomiting. People on hypertension medicines must take it with only a little water 6 hours before the surgery.
Robotic partial nephrectomy
Partial nephrectomy can treat a range of complex cysts, masses, and kidney tumours with ease. This surgery focuses on only removing a portion of the kidney that contains a cancerous tumour.
The surgeon will only remove the cancerous tissue to leave the remaining healthy tissue untouched. This helps in regulating the normal flow of blood and urine as the kidney functions optimally. Another name for this surgery is robotic-assisted kidney-sparing surgery as it spares the healthy part of the kidney.
The surgery involves small incisions that are equal to a keyhole in size rather than giving a big incision. The surgeon will hinder the blood flow to the kidney to remove the cancerous part and reconstruct the kidney.
The robotic system used in the surgery provides a clear view to the surgeon sitting near the computer. This helps the surgeon to make precise movements with the console for the best kidney cancer treatment. With enhanced control, there is less bleeding and repairing the kidney tissues is easy.
The surgeon will remove the tumour along with any affected lymph nodes from the keyhole incision. With a larger portion of healthy tissue in the kidneys, the chances for kidney dialysis are lesser. This contributes to better survival rates and extends the lifespan of a person with a quality life.
Robotic total nephrectomy
In kidneys with larger cancerous tumours, a robotic total nephrectomy is the only option left for the surgeon. Many people go for radiation for kidney cancer but total nephrectomy is the first-line treatment followed by radiotherapy.
In this surgery, the surgeon will make a small incision at the side of the abdomen to remove the kidney. The surgeon will use the robotic system to identify the blood vessels connecting to the kidney. With that, he or she will temporarily pause the blood flow to the kidney and perform the surgery.
The surgeon will remove the tumour-containing kidney from the bowel or any adjacent organ with the help of robotic arms. In a majority of the cases, the doctors spare the adrenal gland for the removal of the kidney.
Upon removal, the surgeon will give stitches or sutures on the incision site which will leave no to minimal scars.
Benefits of robotic nephrectomy
There are countless benefits of opting for robotic nephrectomy for kidney cancer treatment.
Duration of robotic nephrectomy
Whether partial or total robotic nephrectomy, the patients require general anaesthesia for both these surgeries. The duration for performing kidney cancer surgery may vary from person to person and depending upon the case severity. However, the average duration for robotic surgery is around 4 hours to 6 hours with shorter hospitalisation.
Want to save the kidney and ensure optimal functioning of the body in the long run? Sohana Hospital is the Best Hospital for Robotic Surgery in Mohali Chandigarh to rely on for the best kidney cancer treatment. The hospital has the latest Da Vinci Xi Robotic surgical system for seamless kidney removal surgery.