Latest life-saving stroke treatment: Mechanical Thrombectomy

October 28, 2024

A stroke may happen at any time and while many are suitable for treatment, only a few people have access to it. Due to this, some people may succumb to this medical emergency while many others who survive, may live with a disability. Not many are aware of the fact that stroke patients may benefit from a life-saving treatment called mechanical thrombectomy. This is an effective procedure to prevent brain surgery and treat strokes happening because of a blockage in the brain. 

The procedure may help prevent the effects of stroke if done within 24 hours of the appearance of symptoms. More than 50% of patients with stroke benefit from this procedure when their doctor reverses the symptoms with prompt treatment. However, barely 5% of stroke patients have access to this life-saving treatment within a specific timeframe. 


Understanding stroke

The two types of stroke- haemorrhagic & ischemic, require varying treatments, although their risk factors are similar. When a blood clot blocks the artery to cut off the blood flow to the brain, a stroke may occur. This may result in brain damage that either causes disability in the majority of cases or even death. 

Some doctors administer thrombolytic injections for blood clot in brain treatment within 4 hours of the onset of the symptoms of stroke. However, this is a traditional treatment that may not prove effective in all cases of stroke. 


Symptoms of a Stroke 

  1. Confusion in understanding things 
  2. Dizziness 
  3. Sudden weakness 
  4. Loss of consciousness 
  5. Facial drooping on one side
  6. Vision problems 
  7. Numbness in the face and extremities 
  8. Loss of balance 
  9. Difficulty in speaking 
  10. Speech problems 


Preventing a stroke

While every patient must have access to mechanical thrombectomy to deal with a stroke, preventing the symptoms is important.

  1. Everyone must have a healthy and balanced diet rich in proteins, minerals, and other nutrients essential for normal body functioning. 
  2. It is better to keep control of cholesterol levels and ensure checking for them regularly to avoid any health risks. 
  3. People with hypertension must check their blood pressure levels to avoid a stroke and brain trauma treatment
  4. Alcohol consumption may have ill effects on health and those who take it routinely must limit their intake. 
  5. Exercise helps to keep problems at bay and attain an active lifestyle that reduces the risk of stroke. 
  6. People who are chain smokers must quit smoking to avoid suffering from a stroke. 
  7. Controlling blood sugar levels not only limits the risk of diabetes but also any potential risk of complications related to it. 
  8. Those who suffer from heart arrhythmia or atrial fibrillation must undergo necessary treatment for the same to not experience the onset of stroke. 


Mechanical Thrombectomy for Stroke

Mechanical thrombectomy involves the insertion of a tube (catheter) within the brain to reach the clot. This solution helps remove the clot through the use of instruments and restore blood circulation in the blocked part of the brain susceptible to infarction or cell tissue death. Although this sole procedure is enough to treat the symptoms of stroke, doctors may sometimes prescribe thrombolytics along with it rather than brain surgery.

It is important to treat a patient with stroke within 24 hours of the appearance of symptoms of stroke. A stroke may quickly cause unexpected damage to the brain which makes it important to do the procedure within 24 hours. For patients with major stroke, thrombectomy is an effective technique that improves their symptoms. 


Working of mechanical thrombectomy 

In mechanical thrombectomy, the endovascular specialist will make a small incision within the wrist or in the groin region of the body. The doctors usually use real-time imaging to get a clearer view of the inside structures. Through this x-ray-guided imaging, the doctor can insert a catheter within the artery that reaches the brain portion. 

The doctor will use special instruments to reach the blood clot within the brain and pass it over the clot. The equipment helps expand the arterial walls with ease and make hold of the clot in the brain. The surgeon will pull the clot through the artery and out from the incision with the help of this equipment. 


Benefits of mechanical thrombectomy

There are myriad benefits of mechanical thrombectomy to count upon which not everyone is aware of. Doctors usually suggest this procedure to many stroke patients reporting in an emergency or for brain trauma treatment

  1. Mechanical thrombectomy procedure helps to resolve thrombosis and its symptoms very smoothly. 
  2. The procedure benefits patients suffering from severe complications and medical emergencies with life-threatening consequences like PVT.
  3. Mechanical thrombectomy offers an advantage to patients with a risk of stroke and helps reduce the dose of fibrinolytics. 
  4. Doctors also employ this procedure in patients with fresh thrombi along with the first-line treatment for the same.


Of the few hospitals in North India with the facilities for mechanical thrombectomy, Sohana Hospital is a preferable choice of patients. Our hospital is well-equipped with a 24/7 lab and advanced equipment to perform this life-saving procedure with ease.