Many people suffer from thyroid problems, in some cases, from a young age itself. Thyroid treatment in Mohali for such diseases can help in normal thyroid function. Thyroid disease is a condition that affects how your thyroid works. Your thyroid gland won't produce adequate amounts of thyroid hormones if you are suffering from any thyroid disorder. You may suffer from hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism due to excessive or less production of thyroid hormones.
In Hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland produces very little or less than enough thyroid hormones.
In hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland produces excessive thyroid hormones and accelerates energy expenditure.
One may experience a range of symptoms if you are suffering from any kind of thyroid disorder.
For Hypothyroidism
1. Weight gain
2. Fatigue
3. Coarse and dry hair
4. Heavy and frequent menstrual periods
5. Increased sensitivity to cold temperature.
For Hyperthyroidism
1. Nervousness, anxiety and irritability
2. Sleeping trouble
3. Weight loss
4. Muscle tremors and weakness
5. Goitre or an enlarged thyroid gland.
Many people who have thyroid disease are usually anxious to know if the condition can be cured permanently. Well, if you are one of them then you may feel happy or relieved that the answer to this question is YES! Thyroid diseases are completely curable if you follow the instructions from your doctor. There are certain ways to cure thyroid disease permanently. However, the treatment method depends on the underlying causes of your thyroid problem because the main aim of the doctor is to bring the hormone levels back to normal. Treatment options available for hyperthyroidism are:
1. BETA BLOCKERS: These drugs help in symptom management without altering the level of hormones in your body.
2. RADIOACTIVE IODINE: Even if the thyroid cancer cells shift to the other areas of the body, the radioactive iodine of medication is incorporated into your bloodstream which the cancerous thyroid cells will be taken up at the time of treatment.
3. SURGERY: You may be recommended to undergo a surgery, in case, the other treatment option fails to provide the result. In that case your healthcare professional might perform a surgery to remove your thyroid gland. After surgery, your thyroid gland won’t produce hormones and there is no need for you to get prolonged medication.
Sohana Hospital has the best doctor in Chandigarh who gives the right advice for your thyroid problems. Our team ensures to know your symptoms and then form a precise diagnosis before planning the treatment.