Important Health Tests for Women

March 4, 2024

A woman has many responsibilities in her life and needs to multitask to perfectly fit into every role she carries. Whether it's about her family or her professional career, she has to take care of everything. However, a woman often tends to neglect her health while fulfilling the responsibilities she has. Well, as a woman, you ought to take care of your health to ensure a balance between your personal and professional life. A regular health screening, especially for determining the levels of some crucial parameters, will help identify any potential problems and get them treated on time. 

Health tests 

As age advances and hormonal changes are obvious, women are at a higher risk of suffering from diseases. 


Many women have a low blood count that may further give rise to many problems. Any abnormality in your Complete Blood Count helps your doctor determine if you are at the risk of leukaemia. Not only this, you can keep track of your overall health with a CBC test. 



Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate reveals any kind of inflammation in your body and if you are suffering from any condition causing the same. The test can help detect serious infections and arthritis or vasculitis in your body. 


Random Blood Sugar levels are important to check after the age of 35 years when most adults are at risk of encountering diabetes. The test will help to evaluate if you have any symptoms of diabetes. If there is a history of diabetes in your family, you are overweight, or you are suffering from any heart ailments, then undergoing RBS is a must. 


While the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone has an effect on the functioning of your body, you must never overlook this test when it comes to medical screening. You may suffer from serious health issues if you ignore the symptoms of thyroid imbalance like severe weight loss or hair fall. 


A woman must undergo a PAP Smear test at least once every three years when she crosses the age of 30 years. The test helps identify the presence of cervical cancer and treat the same in its early stages. Because of the lack of regular testing, many cases of cervical cancer go undetected until the disease has progressed to an advanced stage. 

Sohana Hospital has a special health package dedicated to women that includes all these essential tests for their good health. Get your gynae consultation and these tests done at Sohana Hospital today to avoid any compromises on your health.