People suffer from a number of medical conditions, no matter their gender or the age group. While you may be suffering from any of these ailments, you need the best hospital that you can rely on for your treatment. This becomes even more important when you need to undergo a major surgery. You ought to look for the best hospital that has advanced technology like a Da Vinci surgical robot available.
One may need surgery to treat a range of conditions including cancer, kidney stones, or problems in the prostate. That's when you need a good hospital that offers you robotic surgery treatment. No doubt, the success of this surgery is gaining a lot of attention and many people look forward to undergoing it.
An overview of robotic surgery
The robot-assisted surgery has a lot of benefits to offer to its patients and employs leading-edge technology. It works in coordination with a computer and a console that helps control the movements. The surgery comes with a lesser risk of complications and more accuracy to ensure successful results.
There are less chances of infection in robotic surgery as it is a minimally invasive technique. It involves smaller cuts that allow the surgeon to perform the procedure while getting a 3-D view. This kind of surgery is a great alternative to various treatments and is rapidly replacing traditional surgeries.
Working of the robotic system
The medical science transformation is evident in the introduction of the robotic system for improving the way surgeries are performed. It continues to benefit not only the patients but also the surgeons performing the same.
The surgery involves an automated robotic machine controlled by the surgeon with the help of a console. The surgeon will use the console to guide the movements of the robotic arms while viewing in the camera attached to the system. The Da Vinci surgical system gives a 3-D view for better visualisation and performing the surgery with precision.
Benefits of robotic surgery
Robotic surgery is the first choice of patients as well as doctors nowadays because of its umpteen benefits.
Finding the best hospital
There are a few aspects that you must consider while finding the best hospital to undergo robotic surgery. Let’s give a quick read to some of these aspects and how they can help zero down on the best robotic surgery hospital in India.
Asking for references
While looking for the best hospital to undergo robotic surgery, you may ask for references from your known ones. If someone from your friends or family has already undergone the surgery, you may ask them to suggest the hospital for your treatment.
Another important factor to consider while looking for a hospital to undergo robotic surgery is budget. The robotic surgery cost varies for every hospital depending upon the experience of their surgeons and the facilities available. You must look for a hospital that charges a reasonable fee for the surgery and that won't pinch your pockets.
Ratings and reviews
You may look on search engines like Google to know the ratings and reviews of the hospital that you are considering. Usually, patients leave a rating and a review on Google when they get exceptionally good or very poor services. So, it is better you go through these reviews and learn more about their services before finalizing the hospital.
Experience of the surgeons
If you are looking for a good hospital to undergo robotic kidney surgery, you must ensure the experience of the surgeon. Some hospitals charge very less for the surgery as they have inexperienced surgeons. Well, the experience of the surgeon counts when you are undergoing a major robotic surgery and hence, you must confirm the experience of the surgeon.
Facilities available
Another important thing to take into consideration is the kind of facilities available at the hospital. The hospital that you plan to finalize for your robotic surgery must have top-notch facilities available. You must ensure they have all the necessary equipment and trained staff to handle emergencies during the surgery.
Modern technology
It is important to choose a hospital with ultra-modern operation theatres and the latest technology for your robotic surgery in cancer. The hospital must have a dedicated staff who hold expertise in employing this technology during your surgery. This ensures precision while undergoing the procedure and minimal risk of complications.
Sohana Hospital is a top hospital in Chandigarh with a Da Vinci Xi Robotic surgical system available. Our support staff led by experienced surgeons perform the robotic surgery with accuracy to provide you with the desired results.