How quickly does lung cancer spread?

October 21, 2024

Are you a patient who recently got detected with lung cancer and is looking forward to undergoing treatment at a lung cancer hospital near me for the same? Well, it is not easy to know the behavior of cancerous cells and the spread of the tumor. There are varying factors determining the behaviour of cancer including the organ affected, type, size, and staging. One must know that malignant cancers tend to spread to other parts of the body, especially those in the advanced stages. Not every type of lung cancer but just a few of them spread quickly and easily to the surrounding structures. Let’s give a quick read about the behavior of cancer and its various aspects that may help determine the treatment. 

How fast does cancer spread?

There are two types of lung cancer which may be non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer which everyone is aware of. While non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is very common accounting for more than 80% of lung cancer cases, the remaining 20% of cases are that of small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Although NSCLC is more common, it spreads faster but not as quickly as SCLC which spreads fast enough to be in the advanced stage until getting diagnosed. 

While cancer is treatable when detected in the early stages, one doesn't know the presence of cancerous cells until stage 1 lung cancer symptoms show up. By the time physicians diagnose lung cancer, it is in the later stages making it more difficult to treat and cure the same. In a majority of the cases, the cancer already started invading the adjacent organs by the time of diagnosis confirmation. However, people with a high risk of lung cancer and getting themselves evaluated regularly tend to know the presence of cancerous cells in the early stages which saves their lives. 


Factors affecting the growth of cancer

A few factors have a key role in and help cancerous cells in their growth which typically determines the spread of cancer. 

  1. Habit of smoking and alcohol consumption
  2. The current status of smoking habit 
  3. Type and/ or subtype of cancer 
  4. Mutations in the genes
  5. Depending upon the lifestyle and if the person is a man or a woman. 

The rate of growth is different for each cancer type or subtype but these factors may act as a catalyst for its growth making the conditions worse and unmanageable. 


Where does the cancer spread?

Lung cancer may invade varying parts of the body but there are a few common locations where the cancerous cells easily metastasize stressing the need for lung cancer treatment. The brain, liver, adrenal glands, and bones are some of the common body structures or organs where the spread of lung cancer is faster. Once the cancerous cells invade these body parts, it becomes easy for them to multiply and form secondary tumors that cause more deterioration in the condition. 

Although secondary tumors may develop in any part of the body, they are still considered lung cancer type and not the type of cancer for the involved body part. To put it simply, a secondary tumor of lung cancer present in the liver is just a lung cancer type rather than a liver cancer. 


Signs indicating lung cancer spread 

As lung cancer progresses to the advanced stages, it may affect varying body parts and the signs & symptoms are visible enough to suspect the presence of a tumor.

  1. Nausea and vomiting 
  2. Bone and joint pain 
  3. Difficulty in breathing & chest infections 
  4. Vision changes
  5. Consistent coughing 
  6. Seizures 
  7. Swelling in the body parts 
  8. Appetite changes and weight loss 
  9. Lymph nodes swelling 
  10. Clubbing of toe and fingers 
  11. Jaundice 

Treating metastatic lung cancer

The treatment of lung cancer varies for every patient depending upon their cancer subtype and their general health. If the spread of cancer is regional, surgery is a possible option to eliminate the tumor. However, if the spread of the cancer tumor is up to the distant body parts like the brain then the best lung cancer doctor will suggest chemotherapy and radiotherapy as the possible options.

Living with lung cancer

The particular type of lung cancer, the health condition of the patient, their age, and the cancer staging are a few of the aspects determining the life span of the person suffering from lung cancer. Mostly, people with lung cancer live for 5-10 years depending upon the above factors and diagnosis of cancer. 

Sohana Cancer Research Institute is a popular name when it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, no matter the staging of the cancer. With advanced equipment employing high-end technology, the hospital is committed to curing cancer and offering patients the quality of life they expect.