Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): Symptoms, diagnosis and management

October 28, 2024

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a health condition characterised by an enlarged prostate. The prostate is a gland found in males and occurring below the bladder that grows as age advances. 

BPH may cause problems in urinating as it blocks the urine flow from the bladder or may cause kidney problems. There are a few treatment options available for BPH and one may consult a doctor to get the right advice. 

Warning signs of BPH

When the prostate grows because of BPH, the prostate blocks the urethra and the symptoms may appear gradually. 

  1. Difficulty in urinating 
  2. Sudden urge to urinate 
  3. Inability to empty the bladder 
  4. Changed urine color 
  5. Slow flow of urine while urinating
  6. Urinary incontinence or leaking of urine 
  7. Pain while urinating 
  8. Disturbed sleep due to frequent urination 


Causes of BPH

While many men develop the symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, some of them may not. Prostate growth is obvious with age advancement and not every man requires an enlarged prostate treatment

A few hormones have a role in causing Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia but they are not the only cause behind the occurrence. Those with a family history of BPH tend to have slightly higher chances of developing BPH. Further, physical inactivity is another factor that puts men at risk for suffering from BPH. 


The need for medical intervention

A man suffering from the symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia must visit the doctor for evaluation despite facing no discomfort. If the doctors find a cause for BPH treatable, they will treat the same to ensure the symptoms will disappear. 

There is a risk of blockage within the urinary tract if the symptoms cause serious problems and are left untreated. One needs an immediate evaluation and prostate gland enlargement treatment from the doctor if there is a problem in passing the urine. 


BPH and prostate cancer

There is no correlation between Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia causing increased risk for prostate cancer. The symptoms for both these conditions are similar which necessitates the need to see a doctor for undetected prostate cancer. 

Healthcare providers advise men over the age of 50 years to undergo prostate screening for timely detection of prostate cancer. Black men or those with a history of prostate cancer in the family are at a high risk of developing cancer. For those above 40 years and at risk, it is better to undergo prostate cancer screenings twice a year. 


Diagnosis of BPH

Upon noticing the symptoms of BPH, one must visit the doctor and discuss enlarged prostate causes. The doctor will thoroughly evaluate the condition and take down the medical history for correct diagnosis. 

One must tell the doctor about any urinary tract infections or worsening of symptoms to help in diagnosis. The doctor may also ask about the intake of any prescription medicines that may worsen the symptoms of BPH. 

The diagnosis of BPH involves examining the lower abdomen for a mass that indicates an enlarged urinary bladder. Further, digital rectal examination helps to assess the shape & size of the prostate. 

DRE involves the detection of any hard areas that indicate a developing prostate cancer or its symptoms. If there are no abnormalities after a physical examination, urine analysis is the lab test to check for the symptoms of cancer. 

Doctors also ask to undergo creatinine tests to check for the possibility of anaemia and kidney problems with severe BPH. Additionally, PSA levels in the blood during screening can also help to check for prostate cancer. 


Management of BPH

There are myriad treatment options available to treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and reduce the symptoms of the same. This may include medications, minimally invasive procedures, lifestyle alterations, and surgery. The doctor can suggest treatment depending on the symptoms, the prostate size, and the overall health of the patient. 

In some cases, the patients discontinue the treatment when the symptoms do not affect their quality of life. Upon worsening of symptoms due to varying reasons for enlarged prostate, one may decide to continue with the treatment again. 



For mild to moderate cases of BPH, the doctor may prescribe medications like 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, alpha-blockers, tadalafil or combination therapy. 


Transurethral resection of the prostate 

The doctor will pass a small instrument with a scope into the urethra and remove the outer portion of the prostate. The procedure helps alleviate the symptoms of BPH and ensures proper flow while urinating. 


Transurethral incision of the prostate

The surgeon will insert a scope into the urethra to make cuts within the prostate gland for the urine to pass. People with slightly large prostate glands or those who cannot undergo any other surgery usually opt for this procedure. 

With the latest techniques Sohana Hospital has top facilities for a seamless BPH treatment. Patients from North India rely on the excellent team of our hospital that ensures a smooth treatment experience for them at every step