A Guide to Understand Different Types of Breast Cancer

October 28, 2024

Breast cancer has affected millions of women and is still in a growing stage which may affect many more women worldwide. WHO suggests, it is one of the most common and leading cancers that is uncontrollably growing and has led to the deaths of many women. Thus, becoming aware of this deadly disease is crucial for those who might be negligent about it in the coming times. 

Acknowledging that it accounts for a significant number of cases globally, there is a high need to raise awareness about this disease. Hence a deep understanding is required to shed light on the various types of breast cancer. This can help people identify the risks of their development which may promote them to find solutions and effective treatment on time. 

This article will discuss various types of breast cancer and their risk factors. Understanding their unique characteristics will compel you to go for early detection and its timely intervention. 

What is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer accounts for the uncontrollable growth of cells in the breast. It starts with the ducts or lobules. It is caused by a mutation (alteration in DNA coding) in the DNA of breast cells, which is mainly caused by environmental, lifestyle and genetic factors. These changes in the DNA can further lead to the development of tumors. Thus, checking and diagnosing early becomes important as it can empower individuals to take better care before the condition worsens. 

There are different types of breast cancer which affect differently having different symptoms. 

Thus to find better care, it is vital to determine each cancer type and find its effective treatment accordingly. 

Let’s further explore breast cancer and its divisional types. 


Various Types of Breast Cancer 

1. Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS)

DCIS is a type of breast cancer that originates in milk ducts. It is contained intact and is not spread in the surrounding tissues. This breast cancer has abnormal duct cells which are not easily invaded in the nearby tissues. This makes it easier to treat and is less aggressive in comparison to other cancers. 

This breast cancer has mild symptoms and is not noticeable. Thus, it is detected through mammograms and microcalcification which are tiny deposits of calcium. Since the cancer is non-invasive, the treatment includes the removal of the cancerous area. Patients may also opt for radiation therapy which benefits in lowering the chances of its reoccurrence. 

The positive side of DCIS is that it is generally favorable. Most women who are detected with DCIS live healthily especially when they opt for a proper healthy treatment. Hence, with the help of regular screening one can manage this cancer easily. Breast cancer is non-invasive and its nature is timely interventions and outcomes are often positive. 


2. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC)

This breast is the most commonly found and thus accounts for 80% of all cases in women. IDC also starts in ducts but this cancer also invades nearby tissues which means that it spreads in the nearby region, spreading beyond the ducts. This makes it more serious as it is invasive. 

This cancer is often detected with a lump in the breast. It also accounts for changing shape and texture of the breast which majorly affects the nipple and skin texture. Since this cancer is an invasive breast cancer, it can also spread to other lymph nodes, making the treatment difficult in some cases. 

It is usually treated by combinations of surgery. This involves chemotherapy, radiation and hormonal therapy. Thus depending upon the stage and invasiveness of the cancer, specific treatments are suggested. 


3.  Invasive Lobular Carcinoma

This type of cancer starts in the lobules. Lobules are the glands that produce milk. It is less common and carries both natures of being invasive and non-invasive which means it may or may not spread in surrounding tissues. 

A unique characteristic of this cancer is that it may not form a distinct lump but it makes the breast thicker. This leads to changes in shape and can sometimes become difficult to detect through regular screening. Many patients with this cancer start noticing changes in the breast which are often detected through the help of a routine mammogram. 

Its treatment includes the removal of a tumor and is done by chemotherapy and radiation. The prognosis is suspected to vary among different patients having different-stage cancers. Thus the cancer may be treated effectively in the early stages and can be easily managed.


Less Common Types of Breast Cancer

Breast cancers are generally listed as common cancers but several common types also need attention to stay protected. Let's learn about them -


Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC)

This is a rare type of breast cancer which is aggressive and does not have a distinct nature. Its noticeable changes reflect as the beast's skin swells and becomes prone to redness. It may also cause dimples or texture which is similar to the peel of an orange.

In breast cancer, there are inflammatory symptoms which make the cancer progress quickly.  Thus to treat this cancer various types of chemotherapies are given to remove the affected area. Its aggressive nature can make this cancer challenging and would require intense support and care. 


HER2-Positive Breast Cancer

This breast cancer is a subtype which is often characterized by overexpression of growth factor receptor 2.  This protein is responsible for cell growth but when it is present in an excessive amount it may lead to aggressive growth which later on becomes a tumor. 

Specific tests are performed to identify this tumor. These are immunohistochemistry (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The presence of high levels indicates HER2-positive. This can indicate the presence of more aggressive cancer. Also, the symptoms are not special but are similar to other types of breast cancer which include lumps, irregular shape of breasts and changes in skin texture. 


Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC)

Triple-negative breast cancer is another subtype of breast cancer which lacks important receptors. It includes the absence of estrogen. progesterone and human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER2). Thus it lacks the vital response towards hormonal therapies, which makes it more challenging to treat. 

In addition, this cancer spreads and grows aggressively. It is more commonly found in younger women and has a likelihood of recurrence in comparison to other breast cancers. 


Sohana Hospital understands the importance of the spreading of breast cancer. Due to increased casual negligence these days, the cases are rising. Thus our hospital feels responsible for creating awareness while providing personalized treatment that tailors to each patient's unique needs.  A team consisting of oncologists, histopathologists, cancer surgeons, hematologists and cancer specialists integrate into a Tumor Board wherein each patient’s treatment is looked at holistically. We use advanced technology for robotic cancer surgery, world class truebeam radiation therapy and a multidisciplinary approach to provide the highest standard of care, ensuring each patient receives the right treatment at the right time.